Initial Consultation
Pyschotherapy Intake for Adults
What to Expect:
During your initial office or telehealth intake, you will meet with your designated CFR therapist for 45 minutes. During the intake, your therapist will ask you a series of questions regarding your medical, psychological, psychiatric, and social history. The purpose of the intake is to gather any information about you that is relevant to your goal for treatment. Your therapist will ask you about your treatment goal(s) and provide you with an overview of what treatment could look like.
Psychotherapy Intake for Kids and Teens
What to Expect:
During your child’s initial office or telehealth intake, parents have the choice of attending without their child and meeting individually with the designated CFR therapist. The parent(s) will have the entire 45 minutes of the intake dedicated to them.
Alternatively, the intake can have the format of the designated CFR therapist meeting with the parents and child/teen for a split amount of time during the 45 minutes. This will typically look like the therapist meeting with both parents and child together to discuss limits of confidentiality, then with just the child, and during the last 10-15 minutes of the intake with just the parents.
During either format of the intake, your therapist will ask you and your child a series of questions regarding their medical, psychological, psychiatric, and social history. The purpose of the intake is to gather any information about your child that is relevant to their goal for treatment. The therapist will help you and your child identify treatment goals and provide you with an overview of what treatment could look like.