Navigating Post-Holiday Stress

Brisi Sono-Cochrane, LAMFT 

There is so much that we pour into preparing for and navigating the holiday season that we may not always have the residual resources to manage the stress that lingers once the season passes. Some of us pour all of our energy into “perfecting” the holiday festivities while others are doing what they can to simply survive them. Ten, there is the after-math with which we deal to some capacity.

Across all circumstances, most of us attempt to resume our regularly scheduled programming past the season, neglecting the full impact the holidays may have had on us. The stress can cause pushback against our daily routines or starting new habits (like following through on a New Year resolution). We get as far as we are able to with surface-level coping, like avoidance or use of vices, until the stress snowballs into what feels like an emotional and physiological ambush. Unman-aged stress can manifest into anxiety, irritability, difficulty focusing, emotional dysregulation, relational tension, etc. These symptoms are our body’s cues that our nervous system is overwhelmed and nearing shut-down mode, urging us to find balance. Our bodies are our foundational resource when it comes to dealing with post-holiday stress, so it is crucial be mindful of and listen to our bodies.

Here are some skills to p

It is so important to normalize prioritizing guilt-free self-care, especially after the holidays, so that we can pour from a cup of abundance and not an empty one. It is healthy to dedicate time to ourselves, pause to tend to our needs and ensure we are nourished wholesomely. Sometimes that requires unlearning previous habits to make space for evolved ones, like choosing rest over work. Other times that requires intentionally seeking what, or whom, brings you joy. If faced with deterring push-back, I encourage you to raise some curiosity around the resistance and identify what your body is trying to tell you. Then, figure out what you need (nourishment, rest, connection, etc.) and fulfill that need. We can often prevent our menta land physical health from screaming if we listen closely to when it whispers.

Written By: Brisi Sono-Cochrane, LAMFT
Published By: Park Ridge Living

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