Psychological Evaluations for Trauma
If you have experienced a stressful life event(s) that catapulted emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and social shifts in you, maybe you are suffering from post-trauma sequelae. Not every stressful or traumatic life event will result in the development of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Some individuals with trauma histories can present with a straightforward, clear-symptoms presentation, but others will present with complex and seemingly confusing symptoms. If you need help identifying how your trauma history has impacted your emotion regulation, perspectives, and behaviors, then a trauma-informed evaluation can help answer those questions.
The goal of a trauma-informed psychological evaluation is to obtain the most reliable and valid information about an individual’s exposure to traumatic events and determine if/how it is linked to their current symptomatology, present health and overall functioning. Trauma -informed evaluations can be a valuable resource for attorneys and courts striving to obtain a fair and effective representation of clients who have suffered adverse life events.
At CFR, all psychological evaluations are performed by licensed psychologists who receive specialized training in the type of evaluation they are providing to you.